Alfie Thomas

Navigating the Spreads: Public Exchanges vs OneLabs Private OTC




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Breaking down the impact of orderbook spreads on public exchanges when trading in large volumes.

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Trading large volumes of cryptocurrency on public exchanges can significantly increase costs due to price slippage and higher transaction fees as portions of the order are filled at progressively worse rates. OneLabs' OTC desk offers a more economical and efficient solution by providing fixed pricing, reduced market impact, and personal support, ensuring large trades are executed at a single negotiated price without the hidden costs commonly seen on public platforms. This makes OneLabs the smarter choice for executing large crypto transactions, preserving capital and maintaining confidentiality.


In the intricate world of cryptocurrency trading, the dynamics of executing large volume transactions can profoundly influence an investor’s returns. While public exchanges are commonly utilized for their accessibility, they may not always be the most cost-effective choice for entities looking to trade substantial sums. Comparatively, OneLabs' Over-the-Counter (OTC) desk offers distinct advantages, especially when it comes to the financial implications of trading large amounts of crypto.

The Cost Complexities on Public Exchanges

When large orders are processed through public cryptocurrency exchanges, they are typically filled through multiple transactions at varying prices, rather than a single transaction. This is because the size of the order often exceeds the volume of offers available at the current best price. As the order gets filled, progressively worse prices are offered (known as 'price slippage'), unintentionally moving the market and widening the spread – the difference between the buy and sell prices.

Not only does this slippage affect the trade price, but the layered fee structure of public exchanges compounds the cost. With fees often calculated as a percentage of the transaction value, part of your larger order invariably processes at incrementally higher prices, raising the actual fees paid – and this is before accounting for potential adverse market impacts caused by the visibility of the large trade.

OneLabs’ OTC Trading: The Economical Choice

At OneLabs, we understand the repercussions of cost inefficiencies and are devoted to offering an OTC trading experience that minimizes unnecessary expenditure. Here’s a breakdown of the OneLabs advantage:

  • Fixed Pricing: We use a flat-fee structure, ensuring that large orders are not subject to ballooning costs driven by sliding scale fees typical in public exchanges.
  • Reduced Market Impact: Our OTC trades are not publicly reported in real-time, so there's no comparable market influence that would affect the spread and the overall execution price negatively.
  • Privacy: Discretion in the handling of large trades prevents premature price movements and speculative activities that could impact costs.
  • Expertise on Call: Our team prides itself on experienced professionals who offer personalized support, optimizing each trade for price and speed, reducing the 'real world' fees.

The Mechanics That Make the Difference

OneLabs' OTC desk operates behind the scenes, negotiating trades that do not sway the public market. By directly connecting buyers and sellers, we can lock in a price for the entire order. This means that the negotiated price is the price you pay, unlike on a public exchange where each partial fill can come with a different price tag and consequently higher cumulative fees.

Forward-Looking Trading with OneLabs

Adopting OneLabs’ OTC trading desk can be a strategic move for the future, as we align our platform to anticipate market trends and regulatory shifts, ensuring our clients remain at the forefront of efficient and cost-effective cryptocurrency trading solutions.


The mechanics of trading large volumes of cryptocurrency on public exchanges can quickly erode your position through widened spreads and inflated fees. By capitalizing on OneLab's OTC services, sophisticated traders can significantly mitigate these costs, preserving their capital and maintaining transactional confidentiality. Entrusting your large-scale crypto trades to OneLabs ensures a streamlined experience where the 'all said and done' fees reflect true efficiency and market advantage.

This enhanced version of the article zeroes in on the mechanics of how larger orders naturally lead to higher real-world fees on public exchanges and contrasts those with the cost-effective structure of OneLabs’ OTC services. This detailed explanation provides potential clients with a clear understanding of why the OTC desk is a superior choice for substantial crypto transactions.

Navigating the Spreads: Public Exchanges vs OneLabs Private OTC

Alfie Thomas

Head of Trading

Alfie Thomas, Head of Trading.


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