Alfie Thomas

Global Commerce Breaks the Blockchain Barrier: Insights for Financial Professionals




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A comprehensive overview of blockchain technology's transformative impact on global commerce, detailing its widespread adoption, efficiency gains, and potential for future financial innovation.

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Blockchain technology is fundamentally changing the landscape of global commerce, marked by its ability to facilitate faster, more secure, and transparent financial transactions across the board. Its widespread adoption across different industries, coupled with the potential to dramatically increase in market size in the coming years, signifies a major shift in how business transactions are conducted. Beyond cryptocurrencies, blockchain's applications in smart contracts, reducing cross-border transaction costs, and providing financial services to the unbanked, illustrate its capacity to make business operations and financial services much more accessible, efficient, and inclusive. This transformative technology not only promises to reduce fraud and transaction costs but also paves the way for innovative solutions in sectors ranging from healthcare to finance, signaling a future where the global economy operates on a more seamless and secure digital foundation.

Global Commerce Breaks the Blockchain Barrier: Insights for Financial Professionals

In a historic parallel to breaking the sound barrier, the evolution of blockchain technology signifies a transformative phase in global commerce. This remarkable leap forward reshapes our understanding and execution of financial transactions on an international scale. For those at the vanguard of this digital revolution, grasping its potential becomes not just advantageous but crucial.

Here, we delve into key data points and valuable insights that underscore the significance of blockchain's rise in the financial sector.

The Dawn of a New Financial Era

  • Widespread Adoption: According to a survey by the World Economic Forum, 10% of global GDP will be stored on blockchain technology by 2027 (World Economic Forum, 2015).
  • Diverse Application Across Sectors: A Deloitte survey revealed that 74% of large corporations see a "compelling business case" for the use of blockchain technology (Deloitte, 2019).

Initially the underpinning technology for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain has dramatically expanded its horizons beyond mere digital currencies to redefine the essence of global trade. Its immutable and transparent characteristics offer a fresh perspective on conducting business, untethered by the inordinate limitations inherent in traditional banking systems. This evolution signifies a substantial transition, aptly noted by Hileman and Rauchs in their 2017 study, Global Blockchain Benchmarking Study, which underscores blockchain's rapid adoption across various sectors (Hileman, Garrick, and Michel Rauchs. Global Blockchain Benchmarking Study. Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, 2017).

Breaking Barriers with Enhanced Security

  • Reduction in Fraud Cases: Blockchain's deployment in financial institutions could reduce instances of fraud by up to 50%, as noted in a study by the Santander InnoVentures (Santander InnoVentures, 2015).
  • Cost Savings on Security: The potential savings on cybersecurity expenses for major banks can exceed $9 billion annually through blockchain adoption (Accenture, 2017).

Blockchain's integration into global commerce significantly bolsters security, a domain where conventional financial methods exhibit predictable vulnerabilities, from cyber-attacks to fraud and human error. The blockchain operates on a decentralized ledger, fortified by cryptographic protocols, creating a security architecture that is exceedingly difficult to compromise. This sentiment is echoed by Kshetri in 2017, highlighting blockchain’s potential to mitigate cyber risk (Kshetri, Nir. "Can Blockchain Strengthen the Internet of Things?" IT Professional 19.4 (2017): 68-72).

Streamlining Cross-Border Transactions

  • Improving Efficiency: Blockchain could reduce cross-border transaction costs by up to 2-3% globally, translating to savings of $50-$60 billion annually (McKinsey & Company, 2016).
  • Speeding Up Transactions: The average time to settle cross-border transactions can be reduced from 3-5 days to minutes or even seconds through blockchain (JP Morgan Chase & Co., 2019).

A notable barrier dismantled by blockchain is the traditional complexity of cross-border transactions, characterized by high costs, delays, and reliance on intermediaries. Blockchain technology enables direct, low-cost transfers in real-time, revolutionizing international trade and fostering global business growth, as detailed by Tapscott and Tapscott in their exploration of blockchain's impact on the financial sector (Tapscott, Don, and Alex Tapscott. Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World. Portfolio, 2016).

Unleashing the Potential of Smart Contracts

  • Automating Transactions: Smart contracts market size is predicted to reach $300 million by 2023, demonstrating its rapidly growing adoption in commerce (Market Reports, 2018).
  • Reducing Contractual Disputes: Implementation of smart contracts could diminish agreement disputes by automating terms, with blockchain providing an immutable record (IBM, 2017).

The advent of smart contracts through blockchain technology signifies a pivotal shift in global commerce practices. These contracts automate execution upon predetermined conditions, reducing the reliance on intermediaries and streamlining international trade processes, as further elaborated by Swan in her analysis of blockchain's transformative potential (Swan, Melanie. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy. O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2015).

Empowering the Unbanked

  • Access to Financial Services: Blockchain technology could bring over 1.7 billion unbanked adults globally into the financial system by providing decentralized financial services (World Bank, 2018).
  • Fostering Microfinance: Blockchain-enabled microfinance could see transaction costs reduced by over 30%, significantly impacting emerging economies (Grameen Foundation, 2019).

Blockchain technology's promise extends to financial inclusion for the unbanked, offering access to financial services through mobile technology. This revolutionary approach could catalyze economic inclusion and ignite innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging markets, a potential acknowledged by the World Bank's comprehensive report on financial inclusion (Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli, et al. The Global Findex Database 2017: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution. The World Bank, 2018).

The Role of Crypto Liquidity Providers, OTC Desks, and Exchange Software

  • Facilitating Global Trade: Crypto liquidity providers now accommodate over $20 billion in daily trading volume, evidencing high demand for smooth crypto transactions (CoinMarketCap, 2020).
  • Enhancing Market Efficiency: Over 250 crypto exchanges operate globally, using advanced software to enable secure, efficient, and scalable trading environments for both corporate and retail investors (CryptoCompare, 2020).

In this burgeoning era, the significance of crypto liquidity providers, OTC desks, and exchange software companies is paramount. These entities fortify the cryptocurrency market, ensuring that transactions are conducted smoothly, efficiently, and securely. They establish the vital infrastructure that connects the legacy financial world with the burgeoning digital economy, playing a pivotal role as elucidated by Burniske and Tatar in their study on cryptoassets (Burniske, Chris, and Jack Tatar. Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond. McGraw-Hill Education, 2017).

Looking Ahead: A World Transformed

  • Blockchain's Rapid Growth: The global blockchain technology market size is expected to grow from $3 billion in 2020 to $39.7 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 67.3% during 2020-2025 (MarketsandMarkets, 2020).
  • The Future of Contracts and Commerce: 55% of healthcare applications will have adopted blockchain for commercial deployment by 2025 (International Data Corporation, 2018).

The role of blockchain in global commerce signifies a pivotal shift, broadening the scope of how business transactions are conducted. The integration of this technology marks a crucial phase in financial history, akin to the breaking of the sound barrier in aviation, promising a future of transactions that are swifter, more secure, and universally accessible.

In this transformative era, the question no longer revolves around if blockchain will innovate global business practices but rather how swiftly we can adapt to this emerging digital paradigm. For those poised to embrace this shift, the prospects are endlessly expansive.

For financial professionals, the blockchain era not only demands a strategic reevaluation of business models but also presents a unique opportunity to lead in the deployment of innovative, secure, and efficient financial solutions. As the data shows, the integration of blockchain into global commerce is already underway, promising profound transformations across sectors. Embracing this change will be key to staying at the forefront of the financial industry’s future.

Contact OneLabs today if you’d like to explore your future in the digital finance horizon. 

Global Commerce Breaks the Blockchain Barrier: Insights for Financial Professionals

Alfie Thomas

Head of Trading

Alfie Thomas, Head of Trading.


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